
Hello! So here's my long story long:

One day (August 12th to be exact) I saw a suggested post in my news feed for One King's Lane about decluttering. Something you should know about me is that I LOVE decluttering, tidying, discarding. It seriously brings me joy and a sense of great accomplishment. Obviously I clicked on the link and read the editor's lessons learned from Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. 

WHAT. There is a book about TIDYING UP? And how it's LIFE-CHANGING? I read and re-read the article several times, started googling Marie Kondo, then bought the book for my Kindle. Took copious notes on a legal pad and wrote down my favorite quotes. I identified with this book so hard. I love the simplicity of Kondo's approach and how easy it was to begin tidying up - not just surface tidying but that deep decluttering from the depths of my bedroom closet and under the bed.


I've always been a pretty tidy and organized person but there are some things that are just so hard to get into and that's confronting the old pictures, mementos, childhood artwork, tattered books - the things that make us who we are and remind us of what we were or where we've been. It takes time to sort through it all and decide what to keep and what to let go of. If I have problems doing this (and some mild anxiety around it), then what about others out there who break out in a sweat at the mere thought of going through their closet?

I help others work through this daunting process so that by the end, we have a created a space together where they can more comfortably live, sleep, eat, relax, or work. There's something pretty wonderful about coming home to a clean home or relaxing in a neat and cozy bedroom.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope there is an opportunity where we can spruce and tidy your home together!



The Twenty-minute Tidy


Why spruce?