Transformation Tuesday #14: Entry Way

While I absolutely love organizing, I often let the nooks and crannies of my home get a little out of hand at times just like everyone else. I find when I'm super busy with work, volunteering, friends or family, that the entry way is the spot that suffers the most. Whenever we have guests come over, this is the first place I need to tidy otherwise they stumble in over who knows what.

I'm trying to keep it as clear as possible these days and take stock of it each week by putting things away where they belong, filing papers away, recycling old coupons, etc. It's such a small time investment but it makes a big impact, especially in a small space right when someone walks in.

I spent about 20 minutes here - most of the time is running things to their rightful home and going through my "to be filed" items. Once this was done, it didn't seem so daunting to tackle tidying up the bedroom or living room!


Transformation Tuesday #15: Spare Bedroom


Summer Capsule Wardrobe