It Starts with Decluttering

Decluttering, paring down, editing, purging - it’s that first step to clearing away the excess so you can get to the actual organizing of a space.

You must declutter in order to open up room in your existing space. This is so critical to seeing the change in your home, especially if you are going through a bigger transition like selling your home or preparing it as a rental or Airbnb.

While it’s important to get all the open shelves and surfaces neat and free from stuff, you need to walk through each room, going through all cupboards, closets, and drawers. If these areas are stuffed to the brim, it’s harder for others to find supplies they may need in a rental scenario or for a potential homebuyer trying to visualize what their stuff will look like in the space.


Photo courtesy of Redfin

Redfin has a handy list of where to start if you’re selling your home and they suggest starting with decluttering closets, cabinets, and drawers, “and then keeping only enough belongings in each to really show off the potential that space has to offer. Think of it as an extension of staging your home, but for your storage areas.” You can see their detailed list of 11 Things Most People Forget to Do.

These are also good tips to follow if you are preparing for a move or swapping out furniture in your home that has a different footprint than your current stuff. I’m meeting more and more people who aren’t able to move right now and want to seriously downsize their stuff, maintain less things, and clear out the excess. Once they are in a position to sell their home or find a new rental, it’s so much easier when they are managing and moving less stuff.

Speaking of less stuff, I’m off to do some Saturday editing and tidying in my own closet!


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